path to zero...


We take responsibility for the efficiency of energy supply for the entire life cycle of a project. This means that we identify, analyse, plan, construct and finance efficiency measures, monitor efficiency during operation and guarantee our customers the expected efficiency gains of a project. With ENCORE Efficiency, our clients have a part­ner at their side to accom­pany them on their path to CO₂ neutrality.

A young man wearing a hard hat while holding a tablet in his hands and smiling


The experts at ENCORE Efficiency first analyse the energy demand of a location and the efficiency of the existing energy supply. Inventory documentation is reviewed and installations are inspected on site. Reference measure­ments are taken and interviews with operating personnel are conducted. Lower investment measures can be implemented directly, depending on customer preference. Customers get a 360° view of their site’s energy consumption and receive a list of project proposals to reduce CO₂ emissions up to CO₂ neutrality.

Sankey diagram gerneral overview ENCORE Efficiency GmbH


To shift from an interesting energy savings concept, to an project that can be implemented, it is important to develop a sound business case. Together with our clients we define what energy saving measures will be realized. Then, we do the required engineering to obtain offers from the market to create a robust CAPEX figure.
We do a more detailed check on the energy savings we expect from the project and we also create a measure­ment and verification plan (M&V-plan). In the M&V-plan we describe how the savings are proven after imple­mentation. All this comes together in a business case, describing the project, CAPEX, savings, M&V-Plan and savings guarantee.


We ensure that the energy savings projects are the carried out to ensure the guaranteed savings will be achieved. From project management, engineering, tendering, construction management to commissioning. And all this in accordance with the individual project standards of our customers.


We provide the CAPEX required for realization of the project. We pre-finance all development and realization costs of the projects. The corresponding capital costs do not have to be paid until the efficiency project is completed and the energy savings are achieved. This approach leads to cash positive projects for our customers. Funding via the ENCORE remuneration model is off-balance for our customers in accordance with IFRS 16.


Every realized efficiency project is connected to our online monitoring system. We continuously monitor whether the project is achieving its target values and whether further optimization is possible (continuous improvement). In case of deviations, we initiate corrective measures in cooperation with the customers, installation companies and service partners. We also create a dashboard for our customers as well as regular reports in which they can see in real-time the actual savings achieved as well as their remaining emissions. 

Monitoring diagram general