path to zero...


The sustainable reduction of CO₂ emiss­ions is a challenge that relates not only to products, but which also includes produc­tion. Signi­fi­cant emission reduct­ions can often be achieved with effi­ciency measures in the area of energy infra­structure. These measures, however, are not particularly attractive from a busi­ness perspec­tive because they regu­larly lead to amorti­sation periods of signifi­cantly more than 2-3 years.

The result is that capital is invested in more profit­able measur­es related to production and the efficiency measures are often neglected. Effi­ciency measures via ENCORE in the field of ener­gy infra­structure, with regard to the re­duction of CO₂ footprints are, on the other hand, very attrac­tive: ener­gy savings and emission reduc­tions are not associated with costs, but rather with earnings and sustainable successes. ENCORE – the path to zero.


The industrial and commercial sector accounts for about one third of energy consump­tion. Consumers are as diverse as the possibilities to save energy. Ex­peri­ence shows that consump­tion and costs can regularly be re­duced by at least 15 %. Guaran­teed!

Image of a diagram on the topic of energy saving potential

The ENCORE Programme

ENCORE stands for ENergy COst REduction. The programme en­ables the complete balance-neutral implementation of energy efficiency measures. ENCORE Efficiency GmbH guaran­tees its clients a substantial reduction of CO₂ emissions and savings in energy and operating costs. The additional added value for clients: no use of own capital is necessary, all investments and obligations are off-balance in accordance to IFRS 16 (International Financial Reporting Standards) and all ENCORE services can be tracked transparently in the open book procedure. Also part of the ENCORE package is the installation of measurement systems to clear­ly demonstrate CO₂ sa­vings and efficiency gains achieved for clients at any time. This results in an all-inclusive package that makes the factory of to­morrow greener today: The path to zero.

ENCORE - the missing link

The ENCORE program is unique, because it offers our clients the opportunity to imple­ment energy-efficient projects without taking on any risks of their own. ENCORE guarantees substantial CO₂ savings for the improved car­bon footprint and reduced OPEX costs – without own CAPEX but still off-balance, also in accor­dance with strict IFRS 16 requirements (lease accounting). For our clients, ENCORE projects are guaran­teed to be cash positive from day one. The following model shows the different phases of a project, imple­mented according to the ENCORE approach. For infor­mation on the services within the different phases, please click here.
The comprehensive ENCORE approach starts with the identi­fication of the savings potential (Identification) and continues with the engi­neering of the projects selected by the customer (Development), the execution of the selected projects (Execution) and proof of the sa­vings achieved with these pro­jects (Assurance).

ENCORE Efficiency diagram of the project phases


The following model shows how ENCORE works:
ENCORE Efficiency GmbH diagram Energy Cost Reduction

ENCORE Efficiency (EEF) guarantees its clients 75% of the net savings. The avoided emission of CO₂ and the cost savings are monitored online, transparent and available to our clients at any time, ensuring efficient operation at all times. This pays off for the contract period of 10 years. Following implemen­tation of the measures, the savings carry the cost of capital and OPEX. The remai­ning net savings are shared over a certain period of time between EEF and the client in accordance with the following scheme:

ENCORE Efficiency diagram expanded

As a result, ENCORE Efficiency does not sell plants and systems, but guarantees CO₂ and energy cost savings. If, contrary to expectations, EEF does not achieve these savings, the customer does not incur any liability.

Key Results: Our services – your benefits

Shared goals – shared success – guaranteed!​